Port Canaveral’s New Terminal Canned By Port Authorities

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Exciting plans to build a new terminal at Port Canaveral for cruise ships have been cancelled.

Port Canaveral Cruise Port

The new Terminal 6 had been planned for the existing North 8 berth space and was designed to accommodate the largest cruise ships in the world.

It would’ve also seen the port keep up with the growing demand for cruises – the port is already the busiest for embarkations in the world, but cruising continues to grow in popularity.

And the new development would’ve helped to update the travel system for the wider port, with a new dedicated flyover ramp, new car park and more.

But in a 4-1 vote this week, the Port Canaveral Commission reversed their decision to proceed with the terminal, which would’ve been ready for 2026.

It comes after pressure from local officials over the support for the space and cargo industries, with the state expressing that supporting the cruise industry on the north side of the terminal would be to the detriment of those other industries.

The commission then commented that another location for the new cruise terminal at the port hadn’t been identified, and while it was not an easy decision, the new terminal should be nixed.

It remains to be seen how the port will expand for cruises in future, but reports suggest several members of the commission were disappointed with the state’s position and the overall outcome.


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Cruise Mummy

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. She has worked in the cruise industry since 2015 and has taken over 30 cruises. Now, she helps over 1 million people per month to plan their perfect cruise holidays.

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