Four Passengers Arrested Upon Disembarking Their Cruise, Accused Of Major Fraud

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Four passengers have been arrested at the end of their MSC cruise, accused of a major credit card fraud scheme.

MSC Magnifica

Michael F. Emmanuel, Tyrisha Delgado (both from Boston), Devin Jones, and Quentin Marcellus Tuck (both from Beaumont, Texas) were all arrested when disembarking MSC Magnifica in Miami.

They were accused of trying to make large cash withdrawals at the onboard casino using fraudulent credit cards.

The onboard security team on the ship detected suspicious activity from the passengers, and alerted US Customs and Border Protection, who then ran a deeper investigation into the transactions.

This revealed that the three credit cards registered by the guests for the cruise were all flagged for being fraudulent. Later searches of the guests’ belongings, after their arrest, revealed evidence of an organised fraud scheme.

The four were arrested with a $2,500 bond. They have all pleaded not guilty and requested a trial by jury.

Cruise fraud cases such as this are not unheard of. In November 2023 four guests onboard Carnival Celebration were arrested for using stolen credit card information.

And on another cruise earlier in 2023, a woman was arrested after a cruise on Oasis of the Seas where she used eight stolen cards to spend over $22,000 onboard.


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Cruise Mummy

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. She has worked in the cruise industry since 2015 and has taken over 30 cruises. Now, she helps over 1 million people per month to plan their perfect cruise holidays.

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