American Diner Goes Free To Eat – Big Changes For Top Cruise Line

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Norwegian Cruise Line has announced that the American Diner restaurant on six ships in the fleet will be changing from a speciality venue to a complimentary one, meaning guests can enjoy the menu without paying an additional fee.

NCL Encore American Diner

The reason for the change hasn’t been announced, although it’s believed that the diner wasn’t the most popular with guests, and so the cruise line wasn’t making much by charging a fee for it anyway.

The American Diner features on the Breakaway Class and Breakaway Plus Class, so these changes will impact the following ships:

  • Norwegian Getaway – already transitioned
  • Norwegian Escape – January 6th switchover
  • Norwegian Encore – January 7th switchover
  • Norwegian Breakaway – January 7th switchover
  • Norwegian Bliss – January 7th switchover
  • Norwegian Joy – February 13th switchover

As part of the changes, a new menu will be launched that removes some of the more premium dishes that were previously offered, such as the lobster sliders which were one of the more popular dishes when the venue had a charge.

While most items on the menu will now be complimentary, there will be a $7 surcharge for guests who want to try one of the authentic milkshakes.

One of the main benefits of the change to the venue will be the calming of crowds in other locations. In particular, the Garden Cafe is known to get very busy during peak times, and people often face long waits to eat.

It will also help to keep O’Sheehans quieter, where many of the same menu choices are already served.


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Cruise Mummy

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. She has worked in the cruise industry since 2015 and has taken over 30 cruises. Now, she helps over 1 million people per month to plan their perfect cruise holidays.

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4 thoughts on “American Diner Goes Free To Eat – Big Changes For Top Cruise Line”

  1. Paul, it’s not stopping as it is going in for a repair/upgrade in Europe. Hence they sold lots of cabins very cheap. Once the work has been done it is sailing straight back to the USA. So its not really a leisure cruise, more of a repositioning to get the work done.

  2. Hi Jenny,
    Thanks for all the great information you provide. My family and I are about to cruise on Norwegian Joy, from Miami to Southampton over 10 days.

    I was wondering why it doesn’t stop at the Azores on the way as there certainly seems to have the time.


  3. Lots of good information.
    We are experienced cruisers. Twelve…. Caravel, Princes and NCL.
    Always learning something new.

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