Carnival Adds Distilled Water To Preorder Options For Guests With Medical Needs

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Carnival Cruise Line has responded to countless guest requests and added distilled water to its pre-purchase store, allowing guests to order it before their cruise.

Carnival Distilled Water

Many guests need distilled water for medical purposes, primarily for use in CPAP machines which use the water to keep running efficiently, allowing guests to breathe easier while they sleep.

John Heald, Carnival’s brand ambassador, has been fielding questions about distilled water for a long time on his Facebook page.

“Finally, now available for pre-order. Thank you to the Beards for listening to me on your behalf.

John Heald

Prior to this move, guests would have to wait until they were onboard a cruise to order distilled water, and hope that there was enough available and that delivery was timely – neither was guaranteed.

But now, guests will be able to pre-order distilled water by the gallon so that it’s ready for them when they board the ship.

The price is $5.90 per gallon, and guests can order multiple if required. No smaller quantities are available.

Carnival’s beverage policy does allow guests to bring their own distilled water onto the cruise if they wish, but it must be carried in their hand luggage along with the CPAP machine.

It’s also unclear whether the price of distilled water has increased – some previous guests have said that they used to be able to order it once onboard for $3.50 but whether that was for a gallon hasn’t been clarified.

The $5.90 price does include delivery costs.


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Cruise Mummy

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. She has worked in the cruise industry since 2015 and has taken over 30 cruises. Now, she helps over 1 million people per month to plan their perfect cruise holidays.

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